Thursday, October 25, 2012

The BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!

Our girls. Our amazing girls! Their courage and perseverance inspiring! This past weekend our oldest daughter rose above the pain of complex regional pain syndrome in her right hand, with the help of her pain specialist and acupuncturist, to compete in her award winning marching band's final two competitions. Little Sis, who has been wrestling with neurological complications from the syrinxes in her spinal cord braved the trip to cheer her on.

There is no such thing as an easy day. Chronic Lyme brings a multitude of challenges and each case unique. One child with serious health issues is enough to turn your world upside down. Two almost overwhelming. This week my own health pushed me to the brink, yet when I picked up my daughter's iPad, a reminder she had left for herself splashed across the screen, "Today is the BEST DAY  EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It is the final rehearsal for Narnia tonight and she is a fairy. A reminder once again that you're most challenging days can still be your very best!!

I really needed that reminder today. My tower of cards has crashed yet again. A week and a half ago I injured my left knee. On Sunday, my right knee gave out under the additional strain. I have had multiple ACL reconstructions and meniscus repairs on the right knee in the past. I'm facing surgery again, likely multiple surgeries. I don't remember if I've ever written about hypermobility syndrome, mixed connective tissue disease and Lyme? It's a chicken-egg kind of thing. Does hypermobility and MCTD make you more susceptible to the effects of Lyme or does Lyme weaken your connective tissue? At this point in my life, the answer makes little difference. When my knee gave out on Sunday, our cantata rehearsal was just beginning. The pain excruciating. I couldn't move without screaming so I stayed in my chair. As the choir, most unaware of my predicament, stood and began singing, "Where hope was lost, a seed was found; a tender shoot, from barren ground," the tears, tucked deep inside, quietly spilled over. Today, they spilled again, but Lil Sis is right. It can still be the best day ever. It just takes extra effort to make it so!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Day in Life of Me

A guest post by my daughter.

This is me when I got my new iPad!
I am ten. I love to write, bake, and sing. I have a one year old scaly spiky friend. Her name is Rubye. She is a bearded dragon. Now you may think I spelled her name wrong, but I didn't. You see, Ruby is a common name, but I thought that since that was a common name I would make it an uncommon spelling. I love Rubye because she is really curious and fun to play with.

Marley is a great dog, too! He always knows when something is wrong and sometimes when Mom tries to hug me, he jumps between us and lies on me and pushes Mom away. It's really funny and it always makes us laugh! He always finds me when I am sad or hurting. He gives me a Marley hug and curls up with me. He always makes me feel better. He also likes it when I read him stories, especially ones where the character's name is Marley and he is a dog. Rubye likes stories, too! I am so glad I have a pet patrol in my room!

Lately, I have been feeling pretty icky. Sometimes I have to stay home from school for part of the day because I am hurting. Sometimes I am so tired, I can't wake up. When I do, I feel worse than in my dreams. We are planning to make a chart of my body so I can circle where I am hurting. Today, even my teeth hurt. I have been wearing my neck brace because it is helping me not hurt as much. I have a shunt and have had surgery on my brain. I have two syrinxes in my spinal cord that make my body hurt or feel funny. Sometimes I have a sharp pain that feels like lightening in my back. It is pretty scary. Some days I wish I could meet another kid like me.

My big sister is having some big problems, too. Sometimes I wish I could have a way to go back in time. I would tell the doctors that we had Lyme disease from the start and maybe they could have found a cure for us sooner.

Lyme is not stopping me from doing what I love to do most. Yesterday I started to write a book. A lot of the kids in my class want a copy when I'm done. It makes me feel good that people appreciate what I'm trying to do and also I can't wait until we bake cupcakes or when a birthday comes up. Finally, I have a couple groups I love to sing for and I love to be in plays. My music teacher is the director of some of my plays. We have a lot of fun! I love my friends!  I love it when my cousins are in my plays too!

I love my new iPad because I put a bunch of learning apps on it and it is helping me with learning. Even though I may have problems I don't let them stop me.